English-Speaking Union -

Cincinnati Branch Branch Notes November 2002


I have just returned from the ESU Annual National Conference in Houston. I'm pleased to say you were represented well both in person and in content at the meeting discussions. There were several of you who received special recognition at the conference. (See details in this publication.) It was a pleasure to share how successful our Shakespeare competition is in Cincinnati and how we have a good working relationship with the Shakespeare Festival theatre group. It was also special to say that our Page Scholarship and Travel Study Grant programs are successful as well. We mentioned we have six new members since the September meeting and that they are friends of current members …..friends bringing friends. Some of these new members are pictured in this publication and in articles https://writingleader.com/journal-article-critique/ When will we be able to feature the prospective members you are planning to invite? At the National Conference we talked about our new website, ESU-Cincinnati.org. In the website workshop, it was used as an example for discussion. While National Headquarters is developing a website that will be available to all branches, only nine branches (of seventy seven) have their own. Other branches also stated they appreciate receiving our Branch Notes and learning about the activities of our branch. Thanks to Bob Amott and Margaret Whiting for these communications. Communication was an important theme at the National convention. The National Board expressed confidence that their redesigned website will offer an increase in dialogue and understanding between ESU branches, both in the US and internationally. What do you know about the history of the Cincinnati Branch? Please read the interesting article by Melanie Hunt on page 4. Also, mark your calendar with the dates below for upcoming plans. In addition to our local events, please join me in attending the Region VI meeting April 4-5, 2003 in Shaker Village, KY. This is a short, beautiful drive just south of Lexington……….one we should all consider attending. Thanks to those of you who have called with thoughts and suggestions to continue to keep our branch alive and interesting……."together we make a difference!" Eileen


February 13 (Thursday), 2003 - Our Shakespeare evening begins with a fabulous (early) dinner at the Phoenix. Cocktails at 4:30, dinner at 5:30. Then, walk just across the street to the Cincinnati Shakespeare Festival, where we have reserved tickets for the opening performance of "Comedy of Errors".

February 22 and March 1, 2003 - Reserve these Saturdays for the Shakespeare Competition semi finals and finals.

March 11 (Tuesday), 2003 - The Evelyn Wrench speaker, Dennis Silk, will be touring the USA between March 1 and 14, 2003. For our dinner meeting at the Queen City Club, Mr. Silk will speak on "The Reminiscences of a Head Master".

April 4 and 5, 2003 - Regional Conference: The Louisville Branch will host the next Regional VI Conference at historic Shaker Village near Lexington, Kentucky. ESU members will stay in the Village and dine at the Inn. Tours to neighboring sites of interest will be offered. Details will be available soon.


Tom and Lillian Galloway, chairpersons for this committee, are arranging special hosts/greeters for each dinner meeting. For September they were Joan Cavally and Susan Hansel. For the November meeting greeters were Marti Gibson and Joan and Vern Corbin. Pictured at the September meeting: (1)Tom and Lillian Galloway with Anna Hannaford (2) Susan Hansel, hostess, with David and Jane Simon (3) At the November meeting Marti Gibson and Joan Corbin (Hostesses) with Jim Osterhus and Barbara Eveland.





This committee, chaired by Eileen and Robert McCarthy, has provided two excellent dinner programs to begin our 2002-2003 year. Serving on the Program Committee are: Sylvia Benjamin, Nancy Clagett, Vern Corbin, Tom and Lillian Galloway, Joyce Holmes, Laura Murphy, and Rick Vogel. On September 24, in addition to a delicious dinner at the Queen City Club, members were treated to a bit of Shakespeare provided by members of the Cincinnati Shakespeare Festival. Our 2002 Travel Grant Study recipient, Ted Petro, was a guest at this meeting and spoke briefly. The program for the November Dinner meeting featured Howard Todd, Adjunct Associate Professor at the University College, Arts and Sciences, University of Cincinnati. He contrasted the reign of Elizabeth I to that of the current Queen Elizabeth II - answering the question, "How did a woman in the time period of Elizabeth I control male administrators/advisors and effectively rule a kingdom?"

Sylvia Benjamin, Jackie Demaline (from the Cincinnati Enquirer) with Robert Amott and Eileen Knollman Ted Petro, Travel Grant Study recipient, with Judi and John LaFremiere Co-Hostesses for the Holiday Party Sarah Pritchard and Dolly Kohls
Ann and Cyril Schrimpf, Sarah-Theresa Murakami and Harold Hafer
The evening speaker, Howard Todd, and Ethan Stanley
Jayne Floering with new members, Henry Jaggers and LaDon Rammelsberg

The Program Committee announces…the Celebration of the Queen's Jubilee in early June 2003. It will be Chaired by Joyce Holmes. More information later.


SEEN AROUND TOWN IN SEPTEMBER POSTERS announcing the upcoming Shakespeare Competition appeared at area schools. This poster (see left), designed by Sarah Helbig, a senior student at the Cincinnati Art academy, won first place in the area poster competition sponsored by the ESU Cincinnati Branch. These posters were included in materials distributed by Bob Amott and Janice Flanagan to the English Departments of area high schools. The materials outlined the details of the upcoming competition. Thus, began the 2003 ESU Shakespeare Competition. As of press time for this bulletin, 31 schools had entered the competition. Participating schools will hold their own internal competition among students in the 10 to 12th grades, selecting a single winner to represent each school in the semifinals on February 22, 2003. The six semifinalists selected will enter the local finals on March 1, 2003.
SEEN AROUND TOWN IN SEPTEMBER PREPARATIONS for the ESU September dinner meeting program featuring players from the Shakespeare Festival. Performing members, Mahogany Scott, Jeremy Aggers and Reggie Jernigan, were introduced by Rebecca Bowman, Shakespeare Festival Staff. The program featured exercpts from Taming of the Shrew, A Midsummer Night's Dream and Sonnet #18 performed by the three thespians from the theatre. Left: Rebecca Bowman introducing the Shakespeare Program for the evening. Below Left: Program Chairs, Bob and Eileen McCarthy, with members of the cast, (left to right) Jeremy Aggers, Mahogany Scott (seated), and Reggie Jernigan. Below right: Left to Right: Co-chairs of the ESU Shakespeare competition, Bob Amott and Janice Flanagan, with Joyce Holmes, Nancy Clagett (seated), Ed Loyd, and Rev. David Devore.


You could be at The Globe Theatre in London watching a Shakespeare presentation- or- you could find Shakespeare on your doorstep On the above dates the students from area high schools will meet in the final competitions. The winner will earn $1000 in prize money, a free trip to New York and the chance to compete in the Nationals at Lincoln Center in New York City on April 26 to 28, 2003. The winner of the National Competition will receive a 2-week summer course in England. Location? (not the Globe Theatre) but in downtown Cincinnati at the Shakespeare Festival Theatre, 719 Race Street. The February 22nd performance starts at 9 a.m. and the March 1st competition at 12:00 noon. Plan to attend and support Bob, Janice.


At the 2002 National ESU Conference in Houston, awards were announced for the following Cincinnati members (quotes are from the conference brochure):

Patricia Overbeck --"organized the first Shakespeare Competition for the Cincinnati Branch. Her hard work and commitment to the competition has been instrumental in making the program the success that it is today."

Robert Amott and Janice Flannagan -- "(their) unflagging efforts and determination have made the Cincinnati Branch's Shakespeare Competition one of the finest and most successful programs for the Branch. Together they have chaired the Competition for the last 12 years."

John La Freniere -- "for many years has organized the Travel Study Grant Program for the Cincinnati Branch. His extraordinary efforts and dedication as Scholarship Chair have made it another thriving, educational program for Cincinnati."


The Cincinnati Branch of ESU is celebrating its 75th anniversary. We are indebted to our contributing editor, Melanie Hunt, for these interesting comments about the early years.

An Abridged History of The Cincinnati Branch ESU - the Early Years In 1920 the American ESU was established. An article from the Enquirer on October 22, 1927 reported: "Initial steps for the establishment in Cincinnati of a chapter of the ESU of the United States were taken yesterday when 35 or more interested persons under the leadership of Dr. Charles A. L. Reed gathered in an informal meeting at the Queen City Club. The following Committee on Organization was appointed: Harry Woods, Mrs. George Hoadly, Rev. F.D. Riley, Mrs. Florence Mathews and Mrs. A.H. Chatfield." Between 1927 and 1973 the Cincinnati Branch had four presidents. Joseph Spencer Graydon served from 1927 to 1951. During his tenure, five traveling scholarships were given to junior professors from English Universities, funds were collected to evacuate children from England to the US during World War II (because of UK-boat activity no children could be evacuated), and funds were sent to England after the war to provide assistance to 12 families in great need of food parcels. Other presidents were Mr.Reuben Hays (1951-1964), Mr. L.W. Scott Alter (1964-1965), and Mr. Laurence L. Davis and Mr. Richard Hoskins as co-presidents (1965-1973). Some things don't change. In the minutes from the Board of Directors of the Cincinnati Branch, June 5th, 1951 is the notation "A discussion then took place as to how to interest younger people in the ESU so that they would join". They resolved the problem by appointing a committee - the membership question was not resolved and continued to be a problem. A letter sent to Joshua Everett, Region VI chairman, and dated January 8, 1965 reads "A few weeks ago I had my indoctrination as the new president…although the speaker was inspiring, the audience was not inspired largely due to the fact that most of them were asleep….this state of affairs is due to the fact that the average age of the members reads like a thermometer on a hot day in Louisville in August". All of the elected officers of the Cincinnati Branch resigned in February 1973. Mrs. Marshall Hunt, Jr. was a non-elected assistant secretary whose function was to help address the envelopes for meetings. As a young and new member, she was an impartial individual who by default became the liaison between the National ESU, Region VI and Cincinnati. A meeting was held at her home on March 25th, 1973 to discuss the reorganization of the Branch. On June 22, 1973 the first meeting of the reinstated Branch was held at the Queen City Club and Mr. Thomas R. Galloway was elected president. For 75 years the Branch has endeavored to promote what is best in the Anglo-American relationship. May this continue!

THE MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE AND MEMBERS OF THE CINCINNATI BRANCH ESU… welcome the following new members who joined the ESU Cincinnati Branch in the fall of 2002:
Roger and Suzanne Losekamp
Henry T. Jaggers
William H. Phelan
LaDon Rammelsberg


(1) Cincinnati Branch Representatives at the Welcome Dinner at the Houston Country Club: (L/R) Kathy and Joe Luttner, Eileen Knollman, Rick Vogel and Margaret Whiting (2) Touring the George Ranch Historic Park in style, Eileen Knollman and Margaret Whiting (3) ESU members with the Houston Symphony Conductor, Hans Graf, after the Saturday night Bruckner Concert (4) Farewell Dinner: Ann DeLaurenti (Region VIII Chairman from Seattle), William Miller (Chairman of ESU of the USA) and Eileen Knollman (Cincinnati Branch President).





Margaret Whiting, Editor, may be contacted by phone (513-241-6070) or by email: [email protected]